Monday, May 7, 2012

Acton Hero: Bruce Thompson

Bruce Thompson Biography

Above is the video about Bruce Thompson.

I loved this video about Bruce. He taught two principles about business and work that I really liked. The first was that it is important to make time for the important things in life. To me those things are family, friends, and my church. If I make time for those, I know all else will work out for the positive.

The second thing that he talked about was that BUSINESS IS FUN! I think it is important to make your work and job fun and to not get bound down by the requirements from your job. If you don't have fun, then your personal life will struggle and you will fail to be the person you want to be in life.

In closing, I think it is essential to be the person we truly want to be in life. By doing the two things I mentioned, I feel that myself, and each of you can live a very fulfilling life! The one that we each really want to live.

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